Inspiration- Thinking into Success is a membership site that focuses on one word for 5 weeks, going into depth with quotes, videos and action/accountability steps.
Each week you will be sent an reminder email with a link to the latest Inspiration message.
Here is Week 1
Watch for the email each week for the next 4 weeks
Attitude Week 1
Your attitude can change from one minute to the next. Have you ever had a rather heated discussion with one of your family members and the phone rings. It is your best friend with good news for you. How does your attitude change? Most of the time it would change instantly. So if it can change instantly, that means you have control over your attitude.
So remember, as you go through this month on attitude, that you can choose your attitude and you can choose the results you get, because attitude is the primary cause of all of your results.
How do you start your day? Do you use an alarm clock then press snooze a couple of times? Are you irritable until you have had your first cup of coffee? Do you think about all of the things you must do during the day and feel overwhelmed? These are all attitudes. We allow ourselves usually unconsciously to feel these attitudes. We do have a choice. We can make a conscious choice about what attitude we embrace for the day.
Action Step
This evening, just before you go to bed decide on the attitude that you would like to embrace for tomorrow, then write it down and put it where you will see it first thing in the morning. Do this for the next 5 days.